ISP Multiple Statics

Need a little help here. I have an ISP provider that has 6 incoming assigned static IP’s for a clients internet. It is via a fiber hub with Ethernet out. I will connect to that Ethernet to access service. The client wants three of these statics assigned to different infrastructure networks. The forth is needed to be on the switch and assigned to allow traffic flow of the usable IP’s. So the question is what switch options do i have that allow assigning a different static to each port to then connect to each different network. (unmanged switches)
Hoping for simple interface to use and tech support. (ubiquiti i find is the hardest tech support)
thank you

I am not really clear on your ask, if the ISP is handing off the static IP’s via their equipment and then those IP’s are being assigned to other devices the switch technically does not need one of those IP’s.

The ISP stated that a layer2/3 switch must be used to hand off the assigned statics. They have one static called a point to point IP that has to be assigned on the switch that allows the traffic through. First i dealt with and to me didnt make sense but that is how this package is set up.
Before i have used Ubiquiti UDM pro but that is over kill for this network. I was able to assign statics to different ports so basically each port is a WAN providing that connection its own network like it was connected to its own ISP modem. Basically looking to do the same without the hefty price tag and bells and whistles i don’t need.

Just making sure before answering further - the ISP has given you a /30 subnet (the one they called point-to-point) and a separate /29 subnet?

Sounds like you have a /29 with the ISP modem taking up the first address in that range.?.

If I am reading this correctly, you just need to assign static addresses on multiple NIC’s and then all the other stuff that goes with managing multiple gateways. But why is this a question? Cheap = use an old pc. Easy = use opnsense or pfsense.

First bear with me a little as i am a novice and learning as i go best i can. I am looking into getting formal classes to be better, but right now i do this for clients that know me from other jobs i do for them and i have better knowledge than others they know.
Here is the address the ISP has assigned. The point to point is gateway 175. What i think is the assigned IP to the ISP fiber hub is gateway 177
The usable assigned IP’s are gateway 168. I do not remember if is /29 but it seems familiar. So what i want to do is assign statics to ports on a switch. I would then connect the front desk network to one port. another port is for the office and manager apt network, the third would be to connect business guest wifi, etc to. So i have all three on separated networks. The wifi is managed by a 3rd party and needs a static for them to log into the network to manage. Seems how i have that many statics i might as well use them instead of creating a bunch of VLAN’s. I used a UDM pro twice but it did not have a P2P IP needed. I also dont need something as feature rich as the UDM. looking for something a little simpler and hopefully a simple interface.

I know you came here to do it yourself, but based on what you are saying I suggest you hire Tom. You can pick his tech’s brain and see how they do it. This would be money well spent and you would learn by example.

Request tech support from your ISP and they should be able to help you or advise on equipment if yours is insufficient. I would request true tech and not someone you get passed off to via a phone call which is usually all by script.

It good in theory. But comcast is horrible. like they are giving secrets out. They couldnt even explain the IP’s when i asked about them. All they say is we see it working here so its on your end.

You can’t get an explanation as you need to elevate to a higher level tech. Either that or farm the job out.