Is this a concern? NinjaOne Remote is disabled in Org but still works!

We have been testing/using Ninja Remote and curious if anyone else is experiencing this behaviour.

Administration > Apps, NinjaOne Remote: Enabled
Administration > Organization > Ninja Remote, General: Disable integration

It appears when the NinjaOne Remote “App” is enabled, it is enabled accross ALL Organizations regardless of the Org integration setting.

Test by going to a Disabled Organization in the Dashboard:
From the Overview list “hover” the mouse over a system and click on the triangle that appears. In the drop-down menu you will see the “Ninja Remote” option. Select that.

Surprisingly … Ninja Remote client will connect!

Is it a concern that the remote tool integration is installed and active on Organizations that are explicitly set to Disabled?

We do have an open request with NinjaOne since June 2024.

Talk about timing! On Dec 4th the new NinjaONE release: Version 7.0 appears to have addressed this.

Here are the details:
