InterVLAN traffic that is supposed to be prohibited is getting through

I have 4 VLANs setup in pfSense.

VLAN200 (IoT) is supposed to have access to the internet and other devices on the same VLAN. But when I connect my phone to that VLAN, I’m still able to access devices in VLAN100.

By my understanding of the rules I’ve got setup, devices on this VLAN should have access to other devices on the same VLAN (, time sync, DNS, access to private networks is BLOCKED (which should include the other VLANs), and anything remaining which should only be the internet. DOES include any ip address beginning with 10.x.x.x – correct?

VLAN200 Rules:

This shows the value of the RFC1918 Alias:

For giggles, here is the list of rules for the Primary VLAN (the one containing the devices that the phone is accessing which it shouldn’t be able to access):

At a bare minimum you need these 3 rules.

  1. Block all traffic that is NOT the vlan interface address for DNS
  2. Allow DNS to the vlan interface address
  3. Allow all traffic that is NOT RFC1918

Then you can add rules above these 3 for added access rules.

You can remove the first IOT rule, as traffic between devices on the same network is done via arp and not pfsense

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What is your primary address range ?

When my phone is on the IoT VLAN, it’s still able to access, & (mail server, NextCloud and Vaultwarden). All things I do not want the IoT devices having access to.

I almost forgot to say I even went so far as to put a block rule that specifically blocked those IP Addresses at the top of the list and was still able to access them.

Silly question, your devices on the IOT are getting the correct network address range

Does you aliases match this , check the alias setup

I wouldn’t say it’s silly. I knew someone would want to know so I included the Alias values in the second image of the first post.

I’m sorry if that came across as snarky – that wasn’t my intent, when I re-read it, it sounded snarky to me – I realize and appreciate that you’re just trying to help.

Here’s a screenshot from the configuration page.

Yes. Here’s the IP address DHCP assigned to it when it connected to the IoT network.

This is the IP Address assigned in the VLAN configuration.

And this is the dyanmic address pool given to the DHCP server for this VLAN.

Doesn’t blocking all traffic that is NOT the VLAN interface address also block access to other private networks?

I tried rearranging my rules anyway. Now when my phone is connected to IoT, it has no internet but CAN ping (and get a response from)

Here’s a screenshot of the ping from my phone.

please say you haven’t just turned off the firewall during some testing.
above looks good so please check this. if it’s off I need to find this fix, it should be any easy one. :slight_smile:

You can also drop any IPv6 filtering commands if you set this as below:

Also, are you using floating rules. You don’t want to be doing that,
If you are we can discuss moving away from this.

Also noticed you define your source within the VLAN IoT firewall listings, this is not required. You can use * , it’s cleaner. It also means that any IP routed say within your vLAN is also not permitted. (hard to explain. Save a config, make the change and give it a go, you will see.)

Not as far as I know. When I rearranged rules trying to troubleshoot this, I wasn’t able to access the Internet when connected to the IoT network so I would have to say that it’s not turned off.

Nope. I’ve read that they can be dangerous so I never ventured into them.

If you’re referring to the first rule in the first image, someone else pointed that out and I’ve removed it. I had it in there to (try to) make it visually clear what was SUPPOSED to happen.

I’d be open to trying it – if I understood what you were suggesting that I change.

This is my interface list:

and my most secure: Guest

Saying that the Yellow note on my rule shows me that there is a group in play that is above these rules. That has all the DNS and NTP etc in it. Items that would need to be used by all basically

And again, you said you don’t think the firewall setting is off and nothing about the IPv6 but take a moment to review and confirm. - please

I have never even tried to disable the firewall. Here’s the only place I could find that seemed like it would do that. But the FW isn’t disabled here.

have you tried to change the rule as as my 2nd image. not stating the source?

Are these services exposed to the Internet via port forwarding and are you using NAT-reflection? If so, it could be this: NAT reflection bypassing firewall rules | Netgate Forum

No. NAT forwarding towards these devices.

I’ve messaged you in the forum. Live chat.

just been back through the post, I would complete the following if you have not already.

  1. Remove and rules that allow the source network of itself to itself (the top line that was noted to remove - but for all networks)

  2. Remove any rules that use the ! (NOT) for filtering, for what you are doing this isn’t required

  3. Turn off IPv6 as suggested. (can look to turn back on after, just get the IPv4 running 1st)

  4. in IoT, remove the source fields from the remaining lines (like my example above you only need two at this time - BLOCK RFC1918 and PERMIT all

Your BLOCK rule has touched traffic so i would like to see what that is.
To find out what that rule is doing you take the ID and search results in the firewall logs. Maybe test accessing something you shouldn’t be able.

Brief rule report:

Edit the blocking rule

review logs - mine empty at this time.

You can also do this on the permit rule and then tell it to create a block rule. This will be handy to see where it puts it and you can build from that OR if you tell it to block and traffic still works then it’s not rules, it’s main config / NAT.