Install error xxcp-ng 8.3

I am attempting to install xcp-ng 8.3 and am getting an error after it seems to be installing well.

I get “unrecoverable error has occurred. the error was:
no main repository found”

While going through the setup I selected the nvme drive for the installation drive and ssd for the vm storage. Am I missing something.

I don’t understand, you get an error that is stopping it from working or you get an error and it is working?

I’m not sure either… I just went back in and set the installation and the VM drive as the same drive and it installed without a problem.

Now I’m having a problem trying to set up xen orchestra. I set up the xen account and when I click quick deploy it takes me to a screen to input host, user and password, when I click connect i get a message that says HTTPS unavailable and gives me a link to sign a self-signed cert, but it redirects me to gmail.

Disregard… I realized for the host block I needed to put the ip of the machine I installed xcp-ng on.