Importing clients into Invoice Ninja

I’m setting up a self hosted Invoice Ninja, and I’m importing all 400+ clients into it …
so far so good, only it doesn’t import the “country” field …
in the mapping stage of the import I nicely connect the country data into the “country” field, but after running the export, no counrty has been imported … all are empty …

Might it have something to do with the country-field being a drop down menu ?
should I replace the country name by a number code maybe ?

I have only 2 countries, Belgium and Netherlands … so it would be easy to replace the name by a number code if needed …

or might it have something to do with the language settings (language is set to “dutch” and in dutch “Belgium” is spelled “België” … should I maybe set the country name in English ?

Thanks in advance

when changing it to Belgium, it imports !

answered my own question …

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I’m glad you found the answer. My advice for anything like this problem, is to manually input one entry, or make a dummy entry, and then export it to see exactly how the program wants that data field formatted.

That’s what I do most of the time too.