I Challenge Tom

Hi Tom, Im Tom… I challenge you to spend some time with a Mikrotik Switch. Using Router OS and not Switch OS. I love Mikrotik Switches and though there is a few extra steps to handle certain functionalities, It all just works. I love my VLAN’s and POE is a must, and the possibilities and Information is unbeatable. I had a recent issue with a wireless Mikrotik PtP, that i could see the POE issue in real time from the Mikrotik Switch… Long story-short… the recent solar panel install was causing induced voltage on the metal roofed building and causing erratic behavior of the wireless bridge… UniFi would have never been a help, as Mikrotik shows you real time data.

I have done videos about them but since we don’t use them in production I don’t really have time to spend on them. The Network Berg has plenty of videos on them https://www.youtube.com/@TheNetworkBerg/

There are good books on Amazon about Router OS, part of their certification series. Super cheap if you have a Kindle to read them on.

They have some great features packed into less expensive devices, really fill a niche or an emergency. Getting them can be as bad as any other IT hardware, stock has been an issue for a few years now, but I’ve also been waiting for the rest of the parts for my Extreme branded switches for just shy of 2 years. Yes really that long on what was over a million dollar upgrade. Some stuff has come in, but not the stuff for my area.

Sorry, but even with a metal roof, if you only need a few vlans, and even if you need some basic routing, Router OS is complete overkill. I would rather buy some entry level Cisco or HPE, unless of course you need 25G or even a 100G in your home lab, because at that point Cisco and HPE gets waaaay too expensive.

Okay, also at 10G Mikrotik is significantly cheaper, which is (let’s be honest) the real reason why bought Mikrotik, and why you have to deal with RouterOS now. :wink:

I have Cisco stuff, I also have Mikrotik CRS stuff… I’ll choose Mikrotik everyday of the week for certain applications, and Cisco for others, and Extreme for others. Each things has its place.

I also have started into Netgear in their AV Line, they do some tasks stupid easy which is what I need sometimes. Very impressed and wish they had bigger stacking systems with the same functions, I might drop my Extreme stuff (which partially finally arrived today).

I am disappointed by this post. I was hoping for a wrestling match or something

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I should add that Netgear now has a stackable line of switches in the AV line, the m4350. I think the stacking might be a bit slow, but it does offer the “single IP central management” of the switch stack.

I may buy one of these with POE++ for some rebuilding that we are doing, need more powered connections for more PTZ cameras and other things that I should be able to power with POE. Haven’t fully decided on another Extreme or on an m4350 or another m4250 for this expansion.