Load Debian 12 in a VM on XCP-NG (or where ever you prefer) and as of January 2024 it is recommended that the allocate at least 4GB of ram to that machine and as many CPU resources as you find reasonable. The source code compiling process speed will vary greatly based on what you have allocated.
Here is the script used GitHub - ronivay/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater: Xen Orchestra install/update script
Or download the VM image from one of the XCP-NG hosts (code near the container info) which is the quickest way to get a fresh system up and running (besides using an external computer to run XO-CE).
Have you tried to run this install recently ?
I am running into a problem with installing one of the dependencies → yarn .
This is the end of my log:
command -v yarn
curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add -
Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here: curl - SSL CA Certificates
curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
I tried installing by hand with
sudo apt install yarn
but that did not work either.
Please if you have time try to install on clean Debian12 and see if you are getting the same error.
I am running Debian 12 and I do get the warning that Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring but it still works fine which means I have not taken the time to fix the issue. Here is a write up on the problem:
The whole certificate affair is now integrated in the script. This means the only thing you have to do to get a working secure connection is to modify the following lines in the xo-install.cfg file :
Also, it is possible to run Xen Orchestra from the Windows Subsystem for Linux. The only constraint is that the WSL Distro has to use Systemd. This is the case by default for Ubuntu. It can be activated for other distros by creating an /etc/wsl.conf file with the following content :
I’ve only tested this with Debian, so if you have experience with another distro, feel free to comment.
Just a note for anyone finding this… Linux Mint Debian Edition is detected as not supported by the script all the way at the top. It didn’t really give more details after the fail - not supported error.
Going to try building for the XCP-NG pages from sources, which will probably work. If not then I’ll just install another OS, LMDE was just an experiment to see how I liked it, and it’s OK enough to keep using it.
And all that said, why not just use the image or docker as mentioned above? Backup, lots of backup. After a hardware failure on the primary physical machine that I use, it was nice to be able to continue my work with one of my backup installs.
It will be nice when XO-Lite is working, that will be enough to get you started and to get you out of a jam.
It will be nice when XO-Lite is working, that will be enough to get you started and to get you out of a jam.
You can change line 702 in xo-install.sh …
from this: runcmd “cd $INSTALLDIR/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-$TIME && yarn --network-timeout ${YARN_NETWORK_TIMEOUT} && yarn --network-timeout ${YARN_NETWORK_TIMEOUT} build”
then run xo-install.sh on your current XO installation and choose option 2. Upgrade
When the upgrade is finished, login at XO webgui. After that you can browse to /v6.
Self-signed keys and Ansible
There might be problems using the the TLS keys generated with openssl the way described if you are to use Ansible to pull inventory from Xen Orchestra.
I succeeded generating new keys, signing these with self-generated Root CA keys and specifying the complete XO hostname in CN (CN=xo.yy.zz) and SAN (as DNS.n=xo.yy.zz) fields, making Ansible pull from XO using plugin community.general.xen_orchestra flawlessly (xo public certs updated/ validated on the Ansible host first).
Add server and I get red triangle net to the newly added server XO and the added server is a single host living on the VM as stated
Unknown Error
unexpect statusCode 302
I have created a snapshot on the VM post Debian Install with no updates. I have revent to that snapshot and build from sources and I also don’t manually create the cert.
I have changed:
I have also tried to manually create the cert
With the above I am still getting the same.
Further I have also tried to use port 80 with no cert, and same resut