How do I redirect subdomains to a different port

Hello everyone
i have set up a reverse proxy (apache) on my main sever (ubuntu) where i have running some services and have a dns as well. i have configurated some vhost and those that redirect to the same server that is dns/proxy work fine. But those vhost that point to another server dont work.

vhost to redirect to truenas since i change the UI port.
here my dns config

It’s difficult to tell just from the images, but when you look up, does it resolve the actual address of the NAS or of the reverse proxy. You want it to resolve the reverse proxy.

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seeem to me that resolve the nas address, cus after change the UI port of truenas dont show nothing in browser

<VirtualHost *:80>
	ProxyPreserveHost On
	ProxyAddHeaders On
	ProxyPass /
	ProxyPassreverse /

Here vhost config to grafana and work fine, cus the service is in the same server.

Sorry to fall off of this—rough week here. This seems like it’s a DNS entry away from working. Here’s what I think is the current situation (please let me know if I’m wrong):

  • The TrueNAS web-ui is listening on port 8036
  • Is that http or https?
  • You have nas-2 resolving to
  • The reverse proxy seems to be at

If those last two bits if info are correct, you should adjust your DNS zone to resolve to be In order for the reverse proxy to do its job, traffic has to go to it rather than the ultimate destination. If resolves directly to TrueNAS, that traffic will never see the reverse proxy.

Same here i hell of almost 2 week, so just now making time to give u thanks to reply and clarification i see now my error.

About points u ask?

  1. YES: truenas UI > port 8036
  2. HTTP
  3. YES: on my dsn setup nas-2 >

I made those changes:
FOR MY KODI WEB UI Remote control
In DNS zone a made a alias named kodi pointing to
In vhost :

<VirtualHost *:80>
	ProxyPreserveHost On
	ProxyAddHeaders On
	ProxyPass /
	ProxyPassreverse /

And work fine, but when i doing the same for truenas show me a “truenas page” where alert that waiting connect with truenas.

That’s good that it’s bringing you to a truenas page now. That’s progress! My suspicion is there’s some weirdness with using a reverse proxy. Maybe there’s a web sockets component. I don’t know Apache well enough to be helpful on that front, but it might give you a direction to pursue.

Edit: I just did a quick search and found this thread that might be helpful: SOLVED - Reverse Proxy for UI | TrueNAS Community. Buena suerte!