Home-Share and “Single Share, Mutiple Datasets” Questions


ive allready posted my Questions on other forums but in 3 days ive got only 1 answer witch sums up as follows: “Just abadon the built in Home-Shares and do it manuell”. Since maybe i whant to use some AD Auth, not the answer i was hoping for.

Im on a virtual TrueNAS Scale on Proxmox, Im able to create readeble and writeable shares. But it works not like i would wish for. My goal is to mount only 2 shares, home and data, and for both some questions:

For the homeshare i have allready setup a dataset namend “homes” and createt the share with the option set “use as home-share” set. Now its reable under smb://TrueNAS.local/homes or smb://TrueNAS.local/username.
Is it possible to make it accable under smb://TrueNAS.local/home and keep the dataset namend “homes”? I would like to keep the Linux like “standart” names.

Then i want as user1 access to the home of user2. user1 is an aux groupmember of user2 and the Home Directory Permissions are all set active for the group. How do i access user2 homeshare via smb? smb://TrueNAS.local/homes/test2 dose not function.

When im enable shell login for the user1 im able to read and modify the home of user2 but i still dont able to access user2s home sharevia smb.

I want only one additionaly share to home, “data”. Name is up to debate. Ive set up a dataset and share. Now ive created sub datasets under data: dataset1, dataset2, ect.
To every dataset i want to create 2 groups “dataset(n)-RW” and “dataset(n)-RO”
I want that only users who are part of one of these groups are able to see and access the dataset. I do not want to set up shares to any subdataset so “Access Based Share Enumeration” is not an option.
But the sub datasets are allways showen indipendetly of group membership. ive tried UNIX permissions 770 (via GUI) and NFS ACL with only metions owner@ root Full Contoll and group@ root Modify. But i still see the dataset at all times in die “data” share
How do i archive my goal to make the datasets only visible when the user is part of one of the matching groups?
Are the other options/best practices?

Thanks in advance.

People are likely not answering because what you want to do is to my knowledge not supported.

First home drives are not meant to be shared. Second, I am not aware of any way to solve your other issue without using Access Based Share Enumeration.

Sadly this is what i thougt too after hours of googeling. But till now there was “maybe”.

Im currently on an old QNAP NAS and there i was easely able to that. Seems i must use manuel speudo homeshares then. Im speaking of 4 or 5 users so its not that bad, i wanted to do it “right”.

Im wondering that im the only one with such an usecase. The customer im working for is an big big enterprice, and there im only see the folders where i have access. But i m pretty shure that they use windows as a fileserver. But that is above my pay grade.

When hiding Datasets is noch possible i need “Access Based Share Enumeration” is it somehow possible to create “nested” shares or shares that are published beneth a subpath? Like “share-to-mount/share1”.
The importent thing for me is that i have only one “folder” to mount since im not able to mount the root of smb://TrueNAS/.

Thank you for your time.

@Meister_Knobi you are German right? :smiley:

Off topic but you are right.

I know but I’ve sent you a DM now in German…maybe we can find a solution there :wink: