Help In reinstalling pfsense after HApoxy error

Aftrer trying to create a SSL for pfsenes, i rest to factory setting and Lan is set to Wan is not pick up an IP . Both cables are detected and link up. It seems as it is not pickup the WAN address.

I have a backup , however i am unable to login is it possble to restore f my backup
using the console?

Any help would be appreciated

Funny enough, I just mentioned this in another post earlier! If you can get the backup config on the box, save it to /conf/config.xml and reboot. That should restore the backup.

Here are the docs: Configuration — XML Configuration File | pfSense Documentation

I have the config / config.xml on usb and tried rebooting pfsense on the console (5) it didn’t work for me.after do a new clean install. The wan is not receiving a ip address from the router (Virgin Media) .

any ideas plz/

After 6 hours of creating a clean install ,pfsense running , however, when i restore backup,my wan was 192,168,0.9 now it has now changed to 192,168.0 .xx . Is it possible to change the config.xml to the new Wan Ip address ?

Any instruction would be of helpful.

thanks in advance

If your WAN address is assigned by DHCP, you don’t have much choice in the matter, but if it’s a static address you can set it in that config. Look for the WAN address in the config file and you should see what’s up there.