HAProxy won't start after upgrading from 2.7.0 to 2.7.2

After upgrading, HAProxy v.0.63_1 reports this error and won’t start, need help…thanks:
Jan 3 16:21:14 php-cgi 63455 haproxy: startup error output!: [NOTICE] (65291) : haproxy version is 2.8.3-86e043a[NOTICE] (65291) : path to executable is /usr/local/sbin/haproxy[ALERT] (65291) : config : parsing [/var/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:17] : error in Lua file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/auth-request.lua': cannot open /usr/local/share/lua/5.3/auth-request.lua: No such file or directory[ALERT] (65291) : config : parsing [/var/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:80]: 'http-request' expects 'wait-for-handshake', 'set-log-level', 'set-nice', 'use-service', 'sc-add-gpc(*)', 'sc-inc-gpc(*)', 'sc-inc-gpc0(*)', 'sc-inc-gpc1(*)', 'sc-set-gpt(*)', 'sc-set-gpt0(*)', 'send-spoe-group', 'do-resolve(*)', 'cache-use', 'add-acl(*)', 'add-header', 'allow', 'auth', 'capture', 'del-acl(*)', 'del-header', 'del-map(*)', 'deny', 'disable-l7-retry', 'early-hint', 'normalize-uri', 'redirect', 'reject', 'replace-header', 'replace-path', 'replace-pathq', 'replace-uri', 'replace-value', 'return', 'set-header', 'set-map(*)', 'set-method', 'set-path', 'set-pathq', 'set-query', 'set-uri', 'strict-mode', 'tarpit', 'track-sc(*)', 'set-timeout', 'wait-for-body', 'set-var-fmt(*)', 'set-var(*)', 'unset-var(*)', 'set-dst', 'set-dst-port', 'set-mark', 'set-src', 'set-src-port', 'set-tos', 'silent-drop', 'set-priority-class', 'set-priority-offset', 'set-bandwidth-limit', but got 'lua.auth-request'.[ALERT] (65291) : config : Error(s) found in configuration file : /var/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Not an issue I have run into before, but my guess would be that you have something custom in you HAProxy files that is not deprecated.

Thanks Tom. Just went back to my note when installing Authelia docker. Authelia needs 3 lua scripts in HAProxy setting page on pfSense. So I copied those lua files from my backup to the designated folder on pfSense, it is now working, on the latest HAproxy_devel too. Those files did not survive the fresh pfSense upgrade.

The remaining issue is my tailscale no longer turned on. Still finding why.
(update: I need to remove the old pfSense node first and create a new pre-auth key, then put the new pre-auth key on pfSense)