HA Proxy 503 Error with a Twist

Hello All! I have some HA proxy issues. I have used Tom’s HA Proxy 2023 video and have my pfsense up and running using HA proxy via home(dot)hunting1sand0s(dot)com on the network (Production). I wanted to add a few new items so I can get rid of the SSL errors. The first FQDN is globalunifi(dot)hunting1sand0s(dot)com on the (MGMT) network and node(dot)hunting1sand0s(dot)com one for (MGMT) and (Production) network. My pfsense setup works great to access the firewall but the other two give me 503 errors. What did I miss? TIA for the assist!

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 13.28.12

This can only mean 2 things.

  1. Your backend isn’t pointed to the proper IP and port.

  2. Your nodes application has security enabled to where you have to allow proxy

Here is a screenshot of my backend. I have it setup the same way for my firewall.

Here is my firewall setup as well.

I know its something so dumb I’m missing LOL!

Error 503 means that HAproxy cannot reach the IP and/or port. Or cannot connect to the webserver running on said IP and port.

Are you 100% sure you have the right IP and port and the web service is running?

Yeah, I believe I have them both correct. I also want to mention that I have the entries in the DNS resolver as well.

What about the front end? Is your backend propery mapped to it.

Yes, I’m mapping that backend to the front end.

Note: My wildcard cert is working using the same configuration in HA proxy.

When you ping the FQDN of these devices what IP Addresses do you get? Sounds like a dns issue. I had one when I setup Nextcloud and Colabora that I had to work through.

I believe I’m getting the right response. The DNS should handle the request and redirect it to the correct address

Here is my DNS resolver info in pf

What is haproxy bound to on the front end? I believe it is 155.

I believe you are not even going through haproxy. If you shutdown haproxy and try using the FQDN I am expecting you will still get a 503 error. If not it is something else.

Turned of HA proxy and got this.

I know HA proxy is working because my pfsense firewall responds correctly and provides a valid cert.

Try setting up a frontend to tied to and remove the entries to 155 network. Or leave haproxy as is and point the host override to I am assuming you are trying to access internally.


Same results! :frowning: