Graylog 5 Docker Tutorial Commands

I think LXC needs to be privileged container.

I am running Graylog in Docker in LXC in Proxmox and had to set the container to privileged. Been running great for almost a half year now. I will state I have seen the same comments that Docker and LXC can have some stability issues, but it does work for me. The video from Tom was a great foundation to get started.

OK, I am way behind on my container knowledge here, but… Why are you running a container inside another container? That seems like running virtual box inside another VM. Can’t you just run the Graylog container inside the LXC system without having Docker as an additional layer?

This would be the better option. Build this with the available apt packages.

Hi, I can confirm that this runs smoothly in a small homelab with a Raspberry Pi 5 8GB.

Yes it seems illogical, but it works and a LXC container can be moved very easily between proxmox nodes in HA systems. The Docker container provides one more layer of abstraction but really no impact to performance and very easy to update the components with just two commands:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

and cleanup easy with the prune command

Plus I don’t have to go all over the file system to make configuration changes just the one file that contains the YAML for the containers.

But it does have an impact on security, if you are running the LXC container in privileged mode:

See here: Linux Container - Proxmox VE

…and here: Linux Containers - LXC - Security

But sure, you can do it that way and it works. However, I would generally recommend using a VM for Docker.

I was wondering if anybody had any examples on how to do this with a connection to an nfs share

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I just updated the Docker Compose file on my GitHub and the change is not just for new installs but also for people updating existing ones.

OpenSearch now requires that a password be set in the enviroment variables and if that is missing then it will not start.

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