FusionPBX Mult-Tenant

I currently have a self-hosted on Proxmox VM of 3CX PBX which is working perfectly. However, I would like to use a multi-tenant program so I think I will go with FusionPBX. I would be hosting on my PBX VM a remote location to provide VOIP phone service to that location as well. From my understanding, there is a way I can use one of the domain names I own to point the remote location to my PBX? I may be wrong on that part which is why I asking for advice. The SIP Trunk provider is VOIP.MS. Would there be a way to have the remote location hardware (IE. Grandstream HT802) point to my domain sip.rebelraiders.com (Made us just example) and pass through the pfsense and go to the PBX? Or, would it be better to use OpenVPN to create a tunnel and have it pass traffic that way bi-directionally?

Or should I go with FreePBX for my setup? If so, my question above still applies.

FreePBX does not support multi tenant. If you are looking for an Asterisk based Multi Tenant system, I suggest taking a look at VitalPBX.

I can’t talk for FusionPBX (freeSWITCH) but any Asterisk system does well behind NAT if they are setup right, so standard Firewall WAN/LAN rules should work fine, and is easier than configuring a ton of VPN clients.

Ah, didn’t know that. Thank you for the information! Yeah, I do like FusionPBX, but just wanted to see if using a domain name setup like I said above would be possible. I will also look at Vital but I have heard some negative things about them…do you use Vital?