File Download Eror

Can you help me regarding my issue, i am trying to download a huge file around 65GB file

but the download seems not continuing it is showing failed network. how can i troubleshot/diagnose the problem? tried using google chrome/firefox

thanks in advance

Can you use wget or rsync? It sometimes works well with big files. Also do you have control of the source file, if so can you split into smaller chunks?

A little more information would be useful.

Are you just on a PC connected to an ISP router via wireless or on a cable
Are you on a corporate network you have no control of
Are you on a home lab behind a pfSense box
Can you download large files from other sites
Can you share the download link for someone else to test

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Are you just on a PC connected to an ISP router via wireless or on a cable
Are you on a corporate network you have no control of
Are you on a home lab behind a pfSense box
Can you download large files from other sites
Can you share the download link for someone else to test

we are using a PC connected to a Lan cable
we don’t have any restiction
our firewall is fortigate
it’s a backup file for our application.

is there a way to diagnose the problem?

Ok, so is the file on your LAN or on the internet somewhere?

If it’s on the internet My method would be;

  • to connect directly to my ISP’s router (not going through any corporate firewalls, extra switches, vlans, routers) and try from there.
  • Try the download from another location

if it’s on your lan then try one or all of the following;

  • with a device connected to the same switch as the source on the same vlan
  • move the file to a different disk (maybe the file is corrupt)
  • create a 1gb file, download that, make a 2gb file… upto 65, does that break at some point

Take a close look at the policy on your FortiGate. AV can cause a failure on large files.