Dual WAN Routing Open vpn Help


I configure openvpn server with dual wan but when i switch to the other interface it does not connect

what do i need to adjust on interface settings to make it work

Open up the ports for each WAN interface.

Ok let me go full detail on what I have done

We have the openserver setup using localhost

I have dn port forwarding for both Interface 1194 and set as target ip as for both wan interface

Then I export the configuration to user PC

I forgot to add on client export page

I chang interface to multiwan forward ip

Remote udp
Remote udp

And export configuration to user

I believe when user tries to connect to the first ip if it is not reachable it goes to the second ip vice versa

You need the port numbers.

Sounds like it should be working, perhaps check each WAN connection works by independently first.

pfsense has documentation on how to get this working here

I will send a screenshot of config as soon as I get home