I currently have two ISP-facing pfSense instances, both pulling an different public IP via PPPoE through the same modem connected my (single) ISP. Gurrently I am using a GW-group on the next pfSense instance to route by default through the VM instance (the other instance is on bare metal) to the Internet.
Both pfSense instances are running pfBlocker-ng and updating the rules every few hours. I am only using IP-based feeds, I am not using the DNS blocking capability of pfBlocker-ng. I have separate pi-hole VM instances for DNS blocking, sitting in the transit network connected to these pfSense instances.
Of course there is no real fail-over / HA capability because the machines directly connected to the transit network between the inner pfSense and the two ISP-facing pfSense instances are using static routes.
So I would like to use CARP VIP on the LAN interfaces of the ISP-facing pfSense instances and sync state between the HA nodes.
Will pfBlocker-ng play nice with the HA node state sync? Do we have people here running working instances of this?