DNS redirect issue

When traveling, to encrypt DNS you could either VPN back to your home if you run a VPN server on a home router. The other option is to use Clouflare’s app on your phone or tablet. There is no need to use their Warp VPN, just the basic functionality and DNS for all phone internet access will be encrypted using either DOT or DOH depending on how you configure their app. The app basically acts as a “VPN” but for DNS functions only. If you use Cloudflare DNS you can verify functionality by going to https://cloudflare-dns.com/help/. This link will only work correctly if you disable DNSSEC which I find rather useless anyway due to poor adoption and implementation.

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Isn’t it a catch 22 ? I do have OpenVPN at home, however, in the pub to reach my OpenVPN I need to resolve my DDNS domain name, so the pubs router knows at least where I am going.

Though I believe I can circumvent this, if my home WAN IP is static, then in my OpenVPN client I connect via an IP address only, so no need for the pubs DNS. Even better I can set the DNS for the tunnel myself.
Does that sound right or is it flawed ?

I use cloudflare as my DNS actually, I’ll take a closer look at the app.

Oh that’s funny, for ages I’ve used that link and it never showed me as using with DNSSEC off it does, I now know even less than before !

Beginning to think the gaps in my understanding are bigger than my understanding …

This is my config… It is not working to force DNS Redirect.

What am I doing wrong?

I want to force all DNS traffic to port 53 as I am running my own dns server to refuse certain content to be accessed.