DMS, experiences?

I Wonder if any of you have made some expericence with a Document Management System. For me in my Company currently things are not “Digital enough” we still receive a load of snail mail and try to get most invoices from companys as PDF.

I set a 2021 goal to make / find some kind of system where all incoming letters/invoices/delivery notes/… are scanned to PDF (if they are not already PDF) and archived in some kind of DMS. I looked at some Systems last year but most of them are overkill, we already use a ERP System with some CRM functions totally fine for us. But unfortunately most DMS try to be everything in one. I want it simple; PDF in, add some tags maybe add a customer / wholesale number + OCR Search and done.

Best would be OSS but I’m totally fine paying for something as long as I can selfhost ist somehow.

I really would appreciate some thoughts on that how you guys are Handling this.


Not really something that we have done much with as most of our clients have it intergrated as part of their ERP system.

I have been using ecoDMS ( for a couple of months now. From what I understand it should match your requirements. I host the server part on a Linux VM here with a Windows client (Linux and Mac exist). They have pretty good documentation and I found the installation quite easy.

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