Diagrams.net Stencils/Templates

I’ve got a question regarding Diagrams.net. multiple times I have to import network equipment images when I am making a new diagram (Online Version). Then when I am finished with that file, whatever customization I had made is gone, so I have to redo it. One example is Unifi Equipment. I was able to import the visio stencil however it’s not 100% so I still have make some changes. I have also tried this on the windows 10 version but it wouldn’t even import the stencil.

I’m just curious on how people are utilizing Diagrams.net for repetitive use

Did you click on Save? I just made a simple net diagram, saved it to my device, I can recall it. It is saved in xml format. How it looks like:

<mxfile host="app.diagrams.net" modified="2022-05-25T15:23:57.707Z" agent="5.0 (X11)" etag="HoOd1ylEojyoFdOgAksi" version="18.1.2"><diagram id="6D2J1Wqy1KsXflJ9qXa1" name="Page-1">jZJNT4QwEIZ/DUcToLpxryKul42JJHpu6EirLSVlEPDXW2TKRzabmHCYPvN2OrwzEcvMcHK8kWcrQEdpLIaIPUZpmtymaTR9sRhncjjGM6icEiRaQaF+gGCQdUpAuxOitRpVs4elrWsocce4c7bfyz6s3r/a8AouQFFyfUnflUA50/u7eOXPoCoZXk5iyhgexARayYXtN4jlEcuctThHZshAT+YFX+Z7T1eyS2MOavzPha+X7izy1yE+OluCeVOn+vOGqnxz3dEPU7M4Bgd8380UCo68Ret8/NBLhVA0vJwSvZ+8ZxKN9qfEh1QUHMJwtdtk8cAvD1gD6EYvoQss7AntDQuO9+sUDoTkZgCBcZp7tVRerfEBuROO6xT+cptdZvkv</diagram></mxfile>