Dell server recommendation for proxmox / Truenas

I’m looking to start out my homelab with a Dell R640 or R740 poweredge server. What features / CPU should I be looking for? I plan to run Proxmox and maybe Truenas and may try out Hyperv as well, since that’s what we use at work.
Recommendations on Raid Controller?

And what’s the differences in CPUs? I’d like to go with the Xeon Gold is there a certain series that’s better?

I think I want SAS SSDs, any model that’s affordable?

I know I want Idrac enterprise.
I’m keeping an eye on ebay, looking for a deal.

Raid controller should be able to pass through the drives to truenas if you plan on using it.

CPU completely depends on the workloads you intend to run.

Hard drives go here.

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Have a used R640 8SFF2x Xeon Gold 6132 2.6ghz 28c cpu, 128gb ram, H740P, and idrac enterprise server on the way.

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