Client Devices - Inconsistent VLAN/Network


I need some help understanding the Unifi UI with respect to the “Network” that my hardwired client devices are attached to. It seems that even though I have them assigned to say VLAN30 (media), they are actually on my VLAN10 (admin) in the UI.

For context, I’m using Unifi Switch/AP with pfsense router.


Here is the Port Config for my Philips Hue, note that it’s on the MEDIA_30 profile:

Here is the network config:


Here is where it appears the device is actually on ADMIN_10:

And here is an example of a similar hardwired device getting notifications of being disconnected from both MEDIA_30 and ADMIN_10… how is it possible that it’s connecting to both networks when I have it assigned to MEDIA_30 in the switch port config?


This is where we see that MEDIA_30 network is configured as VLAN 30.

And here we see the native network of MEDIA_30 switch port profile is MEDIA_30 as native/untagged VLAN:

And here is the relevant pfSense config:

The Philips hue is also unreachable and doesn’t seem to be getting an IP based on my DHCP leases page in pfSense (no traffic). The solar panel UI is intermittently available.


  1. Could it be that the references to ADMIN_10 are related to the management interface? (which is ADMIN_10)
  2. I’ve noticed heavily degraded/unstable network quality since I tried to add a second switch and failed here: - is it possible that I set something wrong during that time?

Thanks for any help/insight! This is causing me significant issues in my home network.

I don’t have a Hue bridge so I ask: does the bridge support wired and wireless connection to the IP network?

Could it be possible that the wired connection does not work for some reason and the bridge is conneced wirelessly to the ADMIN_10 network?

No, there is no Wifi network that accesses the ADMIN_10 network in my setup so that would be impossible.

In lack of better ideas I’d check the DHCP server config for the MEDIA_30 network and take a look with Wireshark what happens on this network when you powercycle the Hue hub.

Also make sure you have the uplink port trunked properly to pfsense.

Confirmed that the switch to pfSense is set to what you recommend in your video. Native: default, tagged: all.

I’m pretty sure that I only started getting issues after changing some things in my interfaces. I’m about to do a bit of an overhaul, but at a glance does anything look off here? A couple years ago when I set it up, I had a lot of grief trying to get TrueNAS to only be available on VLAN_10 and gave up.

EDIT: I just noticed something strange! The switch seems to think that the uplink port is my TrueNAS instead of pfsense… any idea what could be going on here? I verified that port 13 is TrueNAS and port 15 is indeed pfsense.

EDIT 2: Could it be that my management VLAN is messing with things?

Looks like I’ll be learning how to use Wireshark at last :smiley: