Clear drive for xcp-ng

I’m running in to problems clearing sda because of the info that is partitioned I guess. I do not know how to delete that partition, can someone assist me?

Not really clear on your question but it’s just Linux underneath so if you set it up using the default LVM LearnLinuxTV has a guide on managing LVM partitions.

Thanks Tom, I will take a look.

I have 3 disks besides the boot drive in this xcp-ng machine and I want to create a zfs “raid” with the 3 disks but sda is showing that it has part of it being used for an LVM and I’d like to recover that space to make the zfs with the 3 2TB disks.

I was completely incorrect… that disk that has the LVM is only 1 Tb drive, I was thinking it was 2. Sorry about the faulty post.