CentOS ending to become development channel?

Just saw some news that IBM is kind of pulling an Oracle and turning CentOS into a development OS for RedHat instead of being the stable OS that it was.

How is this going to affect Scientific Linux and XCP-NG?

Scientific Linux specifically didn’t release an “EL8” version because they considered it redundant with CentOS 8. I haven’t seen any news from them yet.

XCP-NG is still based on CentOS 7, not CentOS 8, so they have until 2024 to figure out what they are going to do.
“Statement”: https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/3925/centos-8-is-eol-in-2021-what-will-xcp-ng-do?_=1607737657410&lang=en-US

There are several new projects coming out as direct replacements for CentOS 8. The main ones are Rocky Linux https://rockylinux.org/ (started by one of the CentOS founders, and named after the other CentOS founder who has passed away) and a yet-unnamed project from CloudLinux, who were already maintaining their own tweaked derivative of RHEL and have a lot of experience and trust. https://blog.cloudlinux.com/announcing-open-sourced-community-driven-rhel-fork-by-cloudlinux
I’ve also seen MonkOS which is from a cybersecurity company, don’t know much about them and they wouldn’t be my first choice. https://monkos.org/

Many of these projects are expected to have first releases or news sometime in January. But I’m not going to decide which way I’m moving my own servers until Q3 2021. Other things to consider are Oracle Linux and Amazon Linux.

I’d be afraid to use Oracle Linux, they’ve already shut me down once when Solaris went closed. Still not sure why they killed open Solaris, but then again I don’t make that kind of money to know what goes through their heads.

I’ll keep an eye on Rocky, and need to check out Amazon (though they are the devil for privacy). I don’t use Linux too much right now, but I was somewhat comfortable with CentOS, maybe time to really embrace the RasPi and learn the Debian based distros.