Anyone use

Has anyone here tried I am familiar with the big names in hosting but Shells must have better marketing because for some reason I think they look interesting (vs Windows 365 for VDI for example). I have a client I am talking out of VDI so this recently came up.

In the back of my mind I envision moving myself to VDI or at least local virtualization for Windows 11 someday. Most of my clients run Windows on their endpoints and Linux on servers so it’s really handy to have Windows installed at the moment (and a pile of other stuff in VirtualBox). But because of the hardware requirements of Windows 11 I might as well just put Linux on my next computer and use Windows on a VM or a service like if Windows 11 refuses to work in the VM (currently the case with VirtualBox). Just thinking out loud. Thanks!

I have not used it buy Jay from Learn Linux TV has:

Nice! I wonder about putting a syslog server up there or a Unifi controller or something like that. A static IP is only an extra dollar! If someone doesn’t have their own servers it’s worth thinking about. :thinking: :grin:

For a server maybe you just need a non-graphical instance: something on Linode for example, I find shells quite nice but I fail to understand a use case for it given its price range… anyway just my opinion.

@rRobbie I am not sure where you are looking at the pricing but Shells looks cheaper to me than Linode (and a lot of other places), especially considering the unlimited usage. I don’t have a use for it at the moment but I have lots of ideas, haha.

I figure that spread over 5 years it works out about the same to buying hardware, but you don’t have to own the hardware and the cost is spread out which a lot of business people like vs capital expenditures. Thanks!

@ ex1580 you are right, it is slightly cheaper; I tried to find in the term of services the definition of “unlimited usage”, which could be linked to a whatever “fair use” but I couldn’t.