Antsle Private Cloud

Have you evaluated or know about this vendor and there technology?

Thank you

Hi Duran and welcome. I skipped around that video trying to figure out what they were selling and it seems to me he is selling buzzwords.

Are you serious about evaluating them or just trying to drive traffic to his video? I looked up the hardware on another site and it claims you can run 100 VMs - yet is has 16GB of RAM. It looks like it runs their own closed source hypervisor on hardware that if you want to upgrade the drives voids your warranty. I think I’m done evaluating them.

Mike, my inquiry is honest. I have no vested interest in Antsle company, just interested in there technology with your own bare metal deployments. I am curious how you came to such a quick conclusion. What hardware are you referring too in your comments. I was not necessarily asking for there hardware evaluation but what they offer in their other options such as your own servers. Particularly with the private cloud solution. Automatic fail-over, clustering, and off-site recovery are my needs and interest.

The price of the hardware combined with their claims just doesn’t seem to line up.

For me, the only thing I’m interested in running in my labs are the technologies I’m interested in rolling out for my clients. If I’m not going to roll one of their servers to my clients, I’m not going to waste time on it in my lab.

For my lab I’ll run slightly older servers that are just out of support and then load up some consumer SSDs in them to keep the cost down. As long as the processor is modern enough to support SLAT so I I can run hyper v, I’ll use that. All my clients have Windows servers so that makes sense for me. If you’re like Tom and use a lot of linux stuff for your clients then it would make sense to have a Xen server.

I can’t imagine putting in a server for clients where I can’t add RAM or disk space without voiding the warranty. Your use case might be different. Why were you considering them?