Alert not showing at the bell icon

I have an issue with a TrueNAS Core system where some alerts are no longer shown with the bell icon.
Eg. the pool usage is now over 80% and the ‘Pool Space Usage Is Above 80%’ alert settings are default (for both warning level and frequency).
SMART service is running, version is TrueNAS-12.0-U4. The alerts were working fine until about a month ago.

Melvin Cheung

Not an issue I have encountered, make sure things are set correctly under Alert Settings.

All settings for both 80% and 90% are (Default).
Is there a way (command) to reset the alert service?

I take it you are Tom from the Youtube videos? Very informative stuff.

Yes, Tom from YouTube but I don’t know of any way to reset it. Might want to post in the TrueNAS forums.

Hi Tom,

Unfortunately there is no reply at the IXSystems forums for days now.
BY the way, I read this:
Behind the scenes, an alert daemon checks for various alert conditions, such as pool and disk status, and writes the current conditions to the system RAM. These messages are flushed to the SQLite database periodically and then published to the user interface.

in the documentation 18.4:

Is there a way to stop/start that daemon via command?

I have no idea if that can be done.

I saw something in the logs today. Can anyone explain it to me:

Jul 21 11:49:46 truenasb 1 2022-07-21T11:49:46.297344-03:00 collectd 94681 - - Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/collectd_pyplugins/”, line 62, in read
with Client() as c:
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/client/”, line 282, in init
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/client/”, line 124, in connect
rv = super(WSClient, self).connect()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ws4py/client/”, line 223, in connect
bytes = self.sock.recv(128)
socket.timeout: timed out