Access other interfaces

I have 6 ports on my pfSense device. I set separate IP’s for each port and they work as intended.

Lets say

OPT1 -
OPT2 -

I have an allow all set in the FW rules and I can access the internet from both networks. The issue is that I cannot access the other network… I dont have any block rules that would stop it… Sure I’m missing something obvious just not sure what.

I’ve tried adding an allow rule from 1 to the other but this made no difference…

States show the following
10G_HOME_USERS_LAN tcp → CLOSED:SYN_SENT 3 / 0 156 B / 0 B

You want the subnet. Not the address.

Thanks for the reply!

Changed to subnets but that didn’t work… Added another rule to in the opposite direction but still nothing :frowning:

Ah fixed, some old code on the switch