recently i picked up a Netgate SG-2100 and have gotton my Allworx phone system working
quite well, but having a little trouble blocking random ip addresses trying to register to the system
there is more but there are four of them today
so my question is how can i block these right at the wan?
sample from my reports in the system
tSip: Disconnecting UDP client REGISTER failed (404 Not Found)
seems i need a url to block inbound traffic
I have enabled pfBlocker and have enabled a certificate
also some of the IPv4 Source definitons, all seems fine
any way i can create my own source?
Is there any recommended ipblock list just for Voip traffic? is really all i need
how can i create an alias with just wan ip addresses
because port 5060 UDP is open, they just penetrate there
so ive been kicking the tires on this for a few days and i feel i need a little direction
If the port is open and you need more than one IP to access it then this will happen. Either filter the port to only the IP’s that need to access it or close it. I keep my phone system behind a VPN to avoid these issues.
You can create an address list of your allowed IPs (the public IPs that your phones will be connecting from) then modify the firewall rule that is associated with your port forward to change the Source from “Any” to just that address list.