Migrate from Nas4Free to Freenas

I am currently running Nas4Free, - Atomics (revision 5403), and want to migrate to Freenas, 11.2, you can run zfs export and then zfs import, but there are shared opinions about it. Some say that you should do everything from scratch, which is certainly the best, and some say it is fine to run an export / import between the two operating systems, since it is FreeBSD both.

Have you done this before? Do you think there is any danger in doing export/import? This machine is hosting my vm’s to my esxi host. No worries, I have snapshots and backups etc. :slight_smile:

Best regards


As long as FreeNAS is running the same version of ZFS or newer as NAS4Free you should be able to do the import, just make sure you have backups in case it all goes wrong.

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