Made the switch to Linux (again)

Hey all :slight_smile:

A few previous attempts through the years did not go so well, and I’d toss in the towel abruptly.
It’s now been a few days (with Pop!_OS), and there are no inclinations to give up this time.
Pop has a nice overall feel to it. If anyone has not yet checked it out please do.

The challenge of learning Linux is my sole reason for the switch.
Windows itself has been very good through the years…

A few Windows apps which won’t run in Wine, but now resolved with Virtualbox:

  • Quicken (I’ve run this since the 1994 (yes, MS-DOS), and won’t give it up)
  • DesktopReminder2 (paid shareware app which I thoroughly enjoy)
  • WinDates (a very old app with a cool feature not found elsewhere (yet…) )

Up next? Maybe switch the home server (Windows) to XCP-NG box…
