Dual VPN on separate ports

can you post some screenshots, your address for the source should match your LANS network CIDR

sure ill just be a few minutes

also i do ifconfig on command prompt and it shows my lan 2 link as up. however on my physical box I know have no green light on the cable connected to a computer, not sure why

Have you enabled those interfaces in pfsense?

Have you done a check to see if the lan1 is using the VPN properly?

when i got a ip check site it always shows my vpn address. speed is normal and all working fine. anything else i should try?

i had enabled previously and also re did the interface assignments to make sure they are selected correctly just yesterday.

Also thank you kindly for helping me

so to confirm i enabled the lan2 physical interface in pfsense software and when connected directly to the box. should be working but isnt for some reason

Can you ping the firewall from lan2

I will have to try later. have to do a few things right now.

Thank you again for the help. I will play around a bit more and post later

the problem i think is the lan2 port or something configured in the lan2 settings. I do not get a green light from the cable connection. therefore no internet. not sure why as ipconfig shows up, shell on the box shows up. i am kinda lost at this point

So i can ping the ip address from my main machine on Lan1

If i goto the computer that lan2 is connected i cannot ping anything and cannot access the pfsense webportal either

I get no light on the pfsense box when i use port 3 or 4. tried to set lan2 to either of those and no change. However according to the interface in the pfsense shell and the webportal both show LAn2 up

i am kinda stumped at this point

In my logs i show this under system-routing

Feb 28 15:41:59 radvd 55510 sendmsg: Permission denied

hundreds of these messages

Thats all the really stood out to me however I am not that experienced

So started with a fresh install of pfsense and all worked. I must have had a setting somewhere limiting me

Thank you all for the help!