Doing some Unifi Upgrades, need advise

no 3b was both switches on the router. my proposal is you put max on the router instead of the aggregation. then you have 2 consecutive ports on the aggregation that you can use for a SFP+ bond on the physical TN.

if you dont move around you are fine with trunk and xmotion on same cable

i know the TN is physical. i propose the physical TN only runs NFS and you have a VM on proxmox that runs TN and minio in that TN. VMs that need NFS/SMB/S3 will than go through this TN VM. This is what I would do. just my 2 cents.

the 5 x Promox are each only going to have 1 x 1TB NVMe.
if I run a TN there… then I loose all by storage thats in the physical TN…
The workloads that I wanna run on the Proxmox cluster need access to the sheer volume my TN has, thats sitting being the MinIO server.


ok, understand what you mean by swopping the Max and the Aggregation.
it basically opens up a port on the Aggr which as you said can then be lagging bonded together. Basically make the MAX my core.

  • Not all links shown.


PS I moved the 2 ports on the Max around and also swopped the IP’s.


YOu have a misconception about that.

The TN VM on proxmox will have a VDI that is very large, or several medium large VDIs. Those are stored on a NFS SR on the physical TN.

This doesnt make the Max your core. The STP priority determines what is the core. The priorities stay as before.

The last picture misses the trunk interface cables for the proxmoxes.

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ok, understooooooood. Going to add this to the diagram as it’s very pertinent.

and this :slight_smile: is exactly why I mentioned not all links are shown, like none of the 2.5GbE links from the Proxmox to the Pro Max are shown in the second picture.


actually… does it not make sense to configure stp=4096 onto the Max and make the aggregation = 8192 and the 8port PoE Lite both.


both configurations work (Max being the core, or the agg being the core). I couldn’t even say I knew which you should make the core, sorry.

I"m going to go with the max as the core as I have the max already, do the current 24port PoE swop out to the max today.
I still need to order the agg… and actually thinking want to see if there is a 16port unit… the 8 port will work but i’m going to be filling all 8 ports very fast.
will update as i go.

step one today, swop pro max in, step 2, move pfSense from old unit to new Topton… the is going to be slightly more interesting as i need to build new, then back/export configure, then modify in config my MAC address, import… confirm.
add new vLan’s…

hmm, pls remind me, can i change/move a vLan from one interface to another…
will expose the vLan30 and vLan40 over the 2.5GbE for now and then move onto 10GbE later.
also need to first just do uplink between pgSense/Topton and Pro Max at 2.5 GbE and then move that uplink onto the fiber ports.

I think you can have the same VLAN on more than 1 physical interface under Interfaces > VLANs (e.g. igb0.10 and igb1.10). Under Interfaces > Interface assignments where you have LAN10 = igb0.10 you can replace that with igb1.10 in the drop-down menu.

… got the device… did a base OS/pfSense install today, will do a current xml file restore tomorrow and then see how the new pfSense on new device works.

Will also do the swop out of the 24 port PoE → 24 port PoE Pro Max tomorrow.


i will not help but what are you using for your diagrams ?

thats :wink: you can download install it or use it via web interface
Another one I use is :


relooking at my diagram…
Can the 2 10GbE SFP+ ports on the Pro Max be used as a uplink to the pfSense and a downlink to the 8 port aggregation ?
or are those only uplink ports.
if they can’t be used for downlink then i might have to plug the Aggregation int ix1 on the pfSense.

those a universal SFP+ ports. you can do what you described you intend to do.

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Making progress. The 24 Port PoE 95 watt has been swopped out, Pro Max is in, currently uplink to the Edge Router/pfSense is via 2.5GbE Cat 6. oh ye the pfSense have also been migrated from it’s old low spec Celeron based machine to the new Topton U300E based (16GB RAM, 128GB NVMe) platform. Which have the 4 x 2.5 and 2 x 10GbE SFP+ ports.

Currently battling to get the SFP+ via the Dell SFP+ Transcievers to work. My unified can see the Transceiver… but it does not seem to want to be “used” on the Topton/pfSense side. thinking it’s drivers in BSD, base os for pfSense.

if anyone has gotten this working would love some help.

oh 8 port Unifi aggregation switch was order this morning :wink:

oh man, thats terrible, having 2 SFP+ ports and not being able to use them. Have you tried a different SFP+ module? That would be the simplest thing you can try, not terribly expensive.

I ordered a DAC cable and a different SFP+ Transceiver. to try.
The transceiver is seen on the Unifi side. problem seem to be on the pfSense side.


Thank you. I tried it. I think i made a comprehensive diag but not very beautiful. For optimal result a single homogenic library is needed.

I put the DrawIO templates I use in my videos on Github if you are looking for a starting point.

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